Make sure it's the right gun for you!
Buy the Right Gun!
No More Lemons!
No More Remorse!
Try Before You Buy
New standard production handguns and rimfire rifles.
Used standard production handguns and rimfire rifles
Only firearms for which we have ammo in stock
Special ordered firearms
GunMall orders
Collectible or rare firearms
Consignment firearms
Magnum loads in 357, 10mm, 44, 454, 460, 500, etc.

Yes, it's that simple!
* The Fine Print
You must be legal to buy the gun you wish to test fire.
We reserve the right to limit the number of guns you may test fire.
Test firing is limited to five or six rounds.
Only one free Try Before You Buy test fire per firearm purchase.
Customers must be under the supervision of our Range Safety Officer.
Test firing during busy times is limited by the availability of a Range Safety Officer and open firing lanes.
Customers who wish to test fire are subject to our Range Safety Rules.
Customers with limited firearms experience may be required to take a firearms safety course before test firing. There is a fee for this.
Only those we deem safe are allowed to shoot.
Rules and prices are subject to change.

Try Before You Buy
Don't be disappointed in your firearm purchase....

Here's how it works*
Narrow your choice to one firearm.
Tell us you would like to "Try Before You Buy"
Test fire! (under supervision, of course).
There's no charge if you buy the same day!
Otherwise, the cost is $10.00 (plus Tax).