TN Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit - More than a CCP
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and save $30 per ticket.

Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit Classes
Over 25,000 Students Certified
If you travel outside Tennessee, you should get the Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit. More states recognize and honor this permit than the Concealed Carry Permit.
This is the most comprehensive Tennessee handgun permit class. It allows you to legally carry in more places than you can with the Concealed Carry Permit or under Tennessee's Open Carry Law.
With the Enhanced Carry Permit, you can carry in or on the grounds of any public park, playground, nature area, historic park, nature trail, campground, forest greenway, waterway, civic center, or other building facilities, location, or other similar public place or property owned, used or operated by the state, a county, a municipality, or instrumentality of the state, a county, or city so long as these areas are not being used for school activities or sports.
In addition, with an Enhanced Carry Permit, you can carry in buildings posted with Concealed Firearms by Permit Only signs.
Also, with an Enhanced Carry Permit, you may carry within or on property designated by the federal government as a national park, forest, preserve, historic park, military park, trail, or recreation area.
$80 Standard Tickets
$70.00 Student/Educator
All tickets include:
$15 All day Range Pass (for use anytime)
$25 Off Discount Coupon
Eye Protection
Ear Protection
Day of Class Range Fees
Lunch (Saturday and Sunday only)
Reserved Seating
$95 Premium Tickets
Student/Educator $85.00
Include Handgun with Ammunition
Plus everything below
Do you want to exceed the requirements, learn the laws, and know the ins and outs of handgun carry? Or do you merely want a piece of paper saying you passed? If you're serious about concealed carry, take your Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Permit Class at Frontier Frontier for enlightening, by-the-book professional training.
Our course is taught at our State inspected and certified handgun academy and indoor shooting range by State and Nationally certified instructors. The Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit Course is open to men and women sixteen years or older.
However, to obtain a permit, you must be within three months of your twenty-first birthday and must be twenty-one years old before applying for a Permit. Please note that applications and class certifications expire six months from the date of your class. Class length is mandated by the State of Tennessee at eight (8) hours, excluding lunch.
5 Easy Steps
Enhanced Handgun Permit Class Overview
Step 1: Pick your class day and register
To obtain a handgun carry permit in Tennessee, you must first complete a handgun safety course offered by a school certified by the Department of Safety, like Frontier Firearms.
Upon completing the Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit class, your scores will be entered into the State online system showing that you have completed the eight (8) hour Handgun Safety Course.
After class, you will go to a driver's license center where you will need proof of US Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency, photo identification such as your driver's license,
When your application is processed at the Driver Service Center, you will be given instructions for fingerprinting.
Note: Even though a person has a permit and is authorized to possess or carry a firearm under TCA 39-17-1315 or 39-17-1351, there are restrictions on where firearms may be carried—Tennessee Code Annotated and subject matter list additional information about possessing and carrying a gun. More information can be obtained online from the Tennessee Code Annotated lookup (this link is to the LexisNexis site external to the Tennessee Department of Safety website).
BUY TICKETS: TN Enhanced Handgun Permit Class
Use Promo Code SAVE30 & save $30 per ticket.

Use Promo Code SAVE20 & save $20 per ticket.
Step 2: Complete your Carry Permit Application here
Before taking your CCW or Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit class, you must complete the concealed carry or handgun permit application online because your instructor must have the Application Confirmation Number to report your class scores. Use the link below to access the Department of Safety's Online System. It's straightforward. Plus, the system allows you to check up on the status of your application. If you fail to bring your Application Confirmation Number to class, you will be unable to complete the course.
CLICK BEGIN APPLICATION below, and you will be on your way to getting the gun permit that allows you to carry a handgun open or concealed (CCW).
Once on the state website, you will see a screen like the screenshot below.
CLICK on the folder Handgun Permits.
If you are a current Tennessee Resident, CLICK on VERIFY MY IDENTITY and enter the requested information. Then CLICK NEXT.
If you are a new resident, CLICK NEXT > at the bottom left of the page.

Step 3: Use your free Range Pass to practice

You may want to polish your shooting skills before your class. If so, use the Free Range Pass that prints with your Class Ticket. Then, you may come to the range and shoot for as long as you want, anytime we are open.
Students must pass a shooting qualification (let us know if you have special needs.
Shooting Qualification is 50 rounds from three distances.
Three Yards - 20 Rounds
Fiver Yards - 20 Rounds
Seven Yards - 10 Rounds
Hits within the seven-ring line (or on the line) will be counted as two points.
Hits outside the seven-ring but within the silhouette will be counted as one (1) point.
The final score will be calculated by multiplying the number of hits by the specified points.
A composite score of 70% must be achieved to pass the range portion of the course.
Students are given one opportunity to pass the range portion of the course. If the student fails in either part, they must retake the entire safety course. COME PRACTICE!

Take theClass
Step 4: About the Class
The Handgun Safety Course, or Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit Class, qualifies students to be certified to lawfully carry a firearm in both Tennessee and states honoring the Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit. Frontier Firearms teaches the Handgun Carry Permit class in our state-inspected handgun academy and indoor shooting range. Each of our instructors is State and Nationally certified. Please note that we play by the book -- we don't take shortcuts or violate regulations. When you experience our class, you get the real deal.
Students will spend time in our comfortable classroom and range to learn basic pistol nomenclature, safety, ownership responsibilities, shooting fundamentals, and handgun selection factors. They will also learn applicable Tennessee laws regarding the use of deadly force.
Classes are open to men and women sixteen years or older. However, you must be within six months of your 21st birthday for the class to qualify you for a handgun permit.
This mandatory class is eight hours long, not including lunch. One-day courses are held on weekends. Please arrive 15 minutes early.
Students must pass a short written exam and a shooting qualification. Please let us know if you have special needs for the written exam or the class's range portion.
As required by the State of Tennessee, all students must successfully pass this class to qualify for a Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit.
Classes are open to men and women sixteen years or older. However, you must be within six months of your 21st birthday to qualify for a handgun permit.
The mandatory class length is eight hours, not including lunch. One-day classes are held on weekends. Courses spread over two days are held on weekday evenings. Arrive 15 minutes early.
Firearm safety
Basic pistol terms
Basic handgun and ammunition instruction
Basic firing range protocol
Shooting fundamentals
Firearms Qualification
Weapon and ammunition selection
Self-defense legal fundamentals
TN and Federal law relating to handgun carry
When the use of deadly force may be justified
Criminal and civil ramifications of using deadly force
The application process and eligibility requirements
Legal responsibilities associated with carrying a handgun
Understanding the requirements for the use of lethal force
Ammunition knowledge and the fundamentals of pistol shooting
Selecting and maintaining (cleaning) a defensive firearm
How to conduct yourself when encountering law enforcement
Classroom Test - 50 questions (True/False and Multiple Choice)
A Valid TN Driver's License with a photo or
A Valid TN Photo ID
A handgun (or rent from us)
50 rounds of ammunition (Frontier Firearms sells ammunition and rents firearms with ammunition for the course)
Comfortable seasonal clothing (women should avoid low-cut tops or sweaters to prevent hot shell casings. No sandals, please)
Pencil and paper
Raingear - Our range is indoors
Eye and ear protection - We provide them for you
Lunch - We provide pizza
A cap or hat - We shoot indoors
Bug spray - We shoot indoors
Sunscreen - We shoot indoors
Money for range fees - It's included in the price
The Process

Step 5: What to do after class
Once you have received a passing score in the Handgun Safety Course (Handgun Permit Class), you must go to a full-service Driver's License Station or DMV office. You MUST do this within six (6) months of completing the class or repeat the entire Handgun Permit Class.
At the Driver's License Station:
You will need your State Application Receipt / Confirmation number.
NOTE: Your application and certification expire after 12 months
You will need a certified copy of your birth certificate or U.S. Passport
At the Driver's License Station, you pay the state application fee (see COST button Below)
You will have your photo taken and your signature digitally captured.
You will be given instructions on how to sign up for and where to go for fingerprinting.
Following the instructions, you will be asked to register online or over the phone with L1 for your fingerprint processing, which is required for the applicant's background investigation.
If you have questions, ask the DMV examiner for further details about the fingerprinting process.
After fingerprinting, it may take 6-12 weeks to process your permit.
Your Handgun Carry Permit will be delivered to you by U.S. Mail.