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GSSF Indoor League


GSSF Shooting Matches at Frontier Firearms!

Win a Glock Pistol!  Shoot for Top Gun Plaques and prizes.

Must shoot 2 of 3 Events to be eligible for the Glock Drawing.

Cost is GSSF Membership and $15 per Match for 1st Class or Run.  Additional runs or match classes are $10


FREE Glock is awarded by random drawing.

Awards for Top Stock Division (Class A, B, and C)  Unlimited Division, Best Woman, Best Senior, Best Junior, and Best Pocket Pistol Shooters.


What is the GSSF Indoor League? The GSSF League Match is a series of three matches conducted over a 3-month period or a time frame of the HOST ranges choosing.


Participants must be current GSSF members and compete in two of the three matches to qualify for plaques and prizes. 

If you are not currently a member, you may join online at or upon registration at a GSSF League Match. 


An annual GSSF membership costs only $35 for the new members and $25 for renewing members and it allows you to compete in any GSF match. 

Competitors may shoot ANY GLOCK pistol in the Indoor League Series events.

1ST QTR 20 Frontier Firearms GSSF MATCH WINNERS
1st QTR Frontier Firearms GSSF MATCH SCORES

To be in the drawing for FREE Glock you must shoot 2 of 3 Events.

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