Firearms Safety Message
Four Basic Firearms Safety Rules:
1 - Handle all firearms as if they were loaded!
Never forget that a gun has the potential to produce severe injury or death in a single instant of carelessness. Make safe gun handling a habit to be followed at all times. After you determine that a gun is unloaded, continue to handle it as though it were loaded.
2 - Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction!
In selecting a safe direction, you must also consider that a bullet can ricochet or glance off any object it hits and that bullets can penetrate walls, ceilings, floors, and windows.
3 - Keep your finger out of the gun’s trigger guard and off the trigger until you have aligned the gun’s sights on a safe target and you have decided to fire!
By keeping your finger completely outside the trigger guard until you have aimed at the target, you guarantee that any shots you fire will go safely in the direction of your intended target.
4 - Always be sure that your target and the surrounding area are safe before firing!
Remember that a bullet can travel as much as several miles, so you should be confident of what your bullet could strike before you pull the trigger. Never fire at a movement, a noise, a flash of color, or a rustling bush without positively identifying your target.