Carry for Life!© II

Strong - Off-Hand, take Cover!
In Carrying for Life! II, you will learn shooting techniques: rapid reloading, one-arm shooting (left arm and right arm), malfunction drills, half-turns, and full turns, and close quarter battle (CQB).
Then you will take cover! Many police officers and individuals are injured or killed while standing mere feet from an object that, if used correctly, would have stopped incoming projectiles. In addition, many are injured or killed because the cover was unnecessarily abandoned prior to the threat being neutralized or where individuals mistook concealment for cover.
Cover is an object which effectively stops or deflects a projectile.
Concealment is anything that hides a person from the observation.
Concealment is NOT always cover.
This course is about COVER!
Lecture Topics Include: Review of Course I. Cover, what constitutes cover, when to use cover, depth of cover, how to use cover, how to develop situational awareness with an eye toward identifying cover, the difference between Cover & Concealment, an understanding of the capability of different weapons, different types of cover - objects that stop handgun rounds may not stop or a rifle round, crowding cover, when to move to cover / when to fight, good shooting techniques from cover, introduction to clearing techniques - “Slicing the Pie.”
Firing Range Drills Include: Proper techniques for moving forward, laterally, and backward to gain cover. Target engagement from behind cover, best use of cover. Take home drills.
Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed Carry For Life I
Carry for Life!© II: Strong - Weak Hand, Take Cover!
Tuition: $150.00
Ammunition: 300 Rounds of factory ammunition are required
Hours: 4 hours
What You Need to Bring:
Handgun: Your double-action revolver or single-action/double-action semi-auto pistol, centerfire caliber. It must be in good working order.
For Reloading: For a revolver, you will need two-speed loaders. For a semi-automatic, you will need two additional magazines. It would be best to carry the speed loaders or magazines as you would for everyday carry.
Holster: Your daily carry holster. Holsters must correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the gun is removed, and not allow it to cover the shooter’s body. No Thigh Rigs (Galco: Speed Master, Combat Master, or Avenger; Bianchi: Askins' Avenger or 4L. Kydex is allowed). No Serpa Holsters by Blackhawk, gun pouches, shoulder, ankle, or cross-draw holster are permitted.
Belt: You will need a good quality belt to hold your holster. Tip: Be sure to wear pants with belt loops that the belt fits.
Protection: Prescription glasses or shooting glasses are required, along with hearing protection. Eye and ear protection will be provided at no charge if needed.